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Here are some goofy limericks that will help you get to know invaders in our waterways. Why not try your hand at coming up with your own creative limerick about an aquatic invader of your choice. The teachers who wrote these rhymes had fun, and you will, too!


There once was a rapa named Vinny.
Who wanted to give you the skinny,
On his life and his crimes
And the oysters he’s dined
Leaving shells in his wake as a sin-ee.

There once was a swan-bird called Mute.
That never gave much of a hoot.
On grass he did dine
From the water so fine
Yanked up with his beak by the root.

There once was a plant named Phrag.
Its seed heads in wind did wag
It set down its roots
Gave all else the boot
Leaving marsh plants naught but to gag.

There once was a boater from “there”
Who brought “here” his boat unbare
Hitchhikers it towed
They set up new abodes
Now “here” differs little from “there”.