Asa "the Displacer" Asian Shore Crab
Phrag "the Opportunist" Common Reed
Stella "the Fouler" Sea Squirt
Gracie "the Blade" Red Algae
Vinnny "the Cutter" Veined Rapa Whelk
Deedee "the Smotherer" Carpet Tunicate
Leo "the Venom" Lionfish
Cyg "the Destroyer" Mute Swan
Norm "the Chomper" Northern Snakehead
Walter "the Seedy" Water Chestnut

Carpet Tunicate

Carpet Tunicate Fact Sheets

Guide to the Exotic Species of San Francisco Bay: Didemnum sp.
San Francisco Estuary Institute

Didemnum cf. lahillei
U.S. Geological Survey