Grand Calumet River Area of Concern Virtual Reality Experience

The Grand Calumet River Area of Concern has experienced significant environmental degradation resulting from historical activities. This immersive experience allows users to travel along a segment of the Grand Calumet River in Northwest Indiana exploring degraded areas as well as sites that under the voluntary Great Lakes Legacy Act program have completed contaminated sediment remediation and habitat restoration to improve the aquatic and upland environment for fish, wildlife, and people. Become a scientist and identify plant and animal species as you travel along the river!

For best experience, it is recommended to review the web user guide before starting the VR experience. Please contact Megan Gunn at with any questions.

Future: After the curriculum and headset experience have been pilot tested, we will be offering training workshops for those interested in using the VR headsets in their classrooms. If you are interested in being notified about future workshops, please subscribe to our education newsletter:

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