Other Resources
The links below can be used to learn more about observational buoys and other data-collecting devices in the Great Lakes and around the world.
Buoy and Other Real-Time Data:
Chicago Parks District Beach Water Quality Data
Great Lakes Observing Systems (GLOS) (many of the real-time measurements available in the Great Lakes)
National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) (water- and shore-based real-time measurements around the world)
NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) Coastwatch (water- and shore-based observations from around the Great Lakes)
Great Lakes Webcams:
LimnoTech Webcam Gallery (buoy-based webcams across the Great Lakes)
Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Webcams (shore-based webcams around the Great Lakes)
Wind and Wave Data:
NOAA Great Lakes Coastal Forecasting System (GLFCS) (Wave and wind nowcast and forecast models across the Great Lakes)
SAILFLOW (wind map and other forecast information)
Windy (wind map and other forecast information)
Educational Materials:
Lake Michigan By The Numbers Curriculum (a curriculum for integrating real-time buoy data as a teaching tool about Lake Michigan conditions and current issues)
Limno Loan Program (educators can borrow water quality monitoring equipment for use in learning activities)