Water Resource Economics

Water Resource Economics

While relatively water-abundant, the southern Lake Michigan region faces water supply challenges. There are legal constraints to using the lake as a water source, and groundwater as well as surface water resources have sustainability and water quality issues. IISG works closely with regional partners to play a strategic role in initiating and advancing water supply planning to ensure continued availability and access to water for all users.

Programs & Initiatives

Regional Water Demand Forecasting

The greater Chicago region obtains drinking water from Lake Michigan, inland surface waters, and groundwater sources. IISG, in partnership with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, is forecasting regional water demand to the year 2050 for the seven counties of northeastern Illinois. The forecast provides the region with insights on demand and strategies for ensuring that water supply meets future demand.

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Water Pricing

Local governments are the primary investors in water infrastructure. The Full-Cost Water Pricing Guidebook, the Northeast Illinois Water Rates Dashboard, and the Conservation Pricing primer offer local decision makers tools for implementing rates that encourage wise use of water resources as well as address the need for investment in aging infrastructure.

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Water Conservation

Population growth in the greater Chicago region could create water shortages as demand outpaces supply. Water-demand management—including water conservation, conservation pricing, and water reuse—is necessary to ensure ongoing water availability. Encouraging communities to conserve and reuse water can make our water supply more sustainable.

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Research Projects

Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant funds original research projects that support and complement our education and outreach activities. The link below will take you the Water Supply section of our funded research database, where you will find project descriptions, contact information, and final reports and publications.

See All Related Research & Projects

Water Resource Economics Contact Information

Topic Specialist

Margaret Schneemann
Water Resource Economist

Research Projects

Carolyn Foley
Research Coordinator


Ethan Chitty
Administrative Assistant

Education & Training

Kristin TePas
Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development Coordinator and Great Lakes Outreach Specialist
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