Project Websites

Angler Archive Logo
Angler Archive

A goldmine of recreational fishing data is now available in one place thanks to researchers and state government officials in Illinois and Indiana.

Aquaculture Economics & Marketing Resources Logo
Aquaculture Economics & Marketing Resources

Whether you are an aquaculture producer or you are thinking of starting an aquaculture business, this site provides you the best information to ensure a productive, innovative, and profitable aquaculture business.

Aquatic Invaders in the Marketplace Logo
Aquatic Invaders in the Marketplace

This website provides you with the information and tools needed to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species commonly found in trade. Water gardeners, aquarium hobbyists, retailers, anglers, teachers, wholesalers, and more can use these resources to learn about invasive species and identify alternative organisms that are safe to buy and sell.

Be A Hero - Transport Zero Logo
Be A Hero - Transport Zero

The Be A Hero campaigns' messages provide tools for recreational water users, terrestrial recreationists and organisms-in-trade hobbyists to prevent the spread of invasive species. Individuals and organizations concerned about invasive species are encouraged to learn how to become a campaign partner and help spread the word to these communities.

Eat Midwest Fish Logo
Eat Midwest Fish

Eat Midwest Fish provides resources to inform and inspire consumers to eat more fish and shellfish, including resources focused on where to find locally grown products, what types of products are available, how to source and cook these products, and how farmers are growing both freshwater and marine animals in the Midwest.

Fish for Your Health Logo
Fish for Your Health

Fish for your HealthTM advice is intended to be an additional resource and was developed with the hope that this advice will reduce confusion from news stories concerning seafood safety. This advice is not to be used instead of seeking guidance from your primary care physician and dietician. Your primary care physician and dietician will provide critical information for you to ensure that you and your baby are properly nourished.

Great Lakes Mud Logo
Great Lakes Mud

This website chronicles sediment cleanup by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and partners in targeted Great Lakes Areas of Concern.

How to Dispose of Unwanted Medicine & Personal Care Products Logo
How to Dispose of Unwanted Medicine & Personal Care Products

This resource provides everything a community or school needs to properly dispose of pharmaceuticals and personal care products, including setting up collection programs.

Illinois Groundwork Logo
Illinois Groundwork

Illinois GROUNDWORK provides green infrastructure research, tools, and resources to stormwater professionals, local leaders, and community members.

Illinois-Indiana Master Watershed Steward Logo
Illinois-Indiana Master Watershed Steward

We are looking for people with a keen interest in the environment, a willingness to learn, and most importantly, a strong desire to make a difference in the community. Whether you are a teacher, an accountant, a construction worker, a homemaker, a stay-at-home parent, or you name it, YOU can become a Master Watershed Steward in Illinois and Indiana!

Invasive Crayfish Collaborative: Great Lakes Logo
Invasive Crayfish Collaborative: Great Lakes

The Invasive Crayfish Collaborative (ICC) brings industry, science and land management stakeholders together to improve management of invasive crayfish in the Great Lakes Region.

Lake Michigan Fish Atlas Logo
Lake Michigan Fish Atlas

This website provides anglers on Lake Michigan with information about catch rates of rainbow trout, lake trout, Chinook salmon, brown trout, and Coho salmon over the past two decades.

Lake Michigan Health: A Deeper Dive  Logo
Lake Michigan Health: A Deeper Dive

This story map relays key findings from the 2015 Lake Michigan field year of the Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative. This digital, multi-media outreach tool is intended to convey research results to broad audiences including anglers, boaters, conservation groups, and other Lake Michigan stakeholders.

Lake Michigan Water Safety Logo
Lake Michigan Water Safety

This website is geared towards saving lives through good information. Our goal is to help you enjoy a fun and safe day out on the water.

Lawn to Lake Midwest Logo
Lawn to Lake Midwest

Natural lawn care uses an approach that works with nature to grow a healthy landscape and protect water resources. It doesn’t mean you have to get rid of all your grass or dedicate your life to tending your lawn. It depends on a simple principle: that a healthy lawn will be able to resist most weeds, disease, and insects.

Limno Loan Logo
Limno Loan

This program provides the opportunity for educators to borrow actual monitoring equipment used by scientists in the field and for students to experience collecting and analyzing real water-quality data. It is a great way to bring to life the topic of water quality for your students, and bring the outdoors to your classroom or your classroom outdoors!

Nab the Aquatic Invader! Logo
Nab the Aquatic Invader!

This innovative website introduces students (grades 4-10) to marine and freshwater invasive species and their impacts through detective-themed activities and colorful cartoon characters.

Red Oak Rain Garden Logo
Red Oak Rain Garden

The Red Oak Rain Garden soaks up rainwater, enhances the campus and community aesthetic and educational experience, and promotes well-being for everyone who visits.

Southern Lake Michigan Outdoors Logo
Southern Lake Michigan Outdoors

Visit this destination website to explore the coastal regions of Indiana and Illinois. Places of interest include national parks, city parks, blueways, and other locations perfect for a day outdoors.

Sustainable Communities Extension Program Logo
Sustainable Communities Extension Program

The efforts of the Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and Purdue University Extension Sustainable Communities Extension Program support community planning and sustainable development strategies in communities across Indiana and Great Lakes states. Multidisciplinary teams offer programs in the following focus areas: placemaking and enhancing public spaces, land use, green infrastructure, community development, facilitation and strategic planning, and public planning official training.

Tipping Point Planner Logo
Tipping Point Planner

This collaborative program gives watershed planning groups across the Great Lakes the information they need to protect natural resources and enhance local economies.

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