Hillary Glandon
Coastal Ecosystem and Community Resilience Specialist
Hillary Glandon
Coastal Ecosystem and Community Resilience Specialist
Hillary Glandon is Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant’s coastal ecosystem and community resilience specialist. Her position is in partnership with the Illinois Natural History Survey in the Prairie Research Institute. Hillary studies the response of coastal ecosystems to environmental change. She helps connect the results of research on coastal processes to communities that need it most, thereby increasing community resilience in the face of an ever-changing coastal landscape.
In addition to her work in the Great Lakes, Hillary has studied environmental change in the Bay of Fundy and spent 10 years assessing the effects of oyster restoration in the Chesapeake Bay. She has a PhD in marine, estuarine, and environmental science from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and an MS in in marine biology from the University of North Carolina Wilmington.