We are excited to announce that Joel Davenport has joined the team as IISG’s graphic arts specialist. Joel helps shape the look of the program and works closely with the communication team and program specialists to produce our newsletter, flyers, displays, and other print and online outreach materials.

Joel brings seven years of experience in publication design, organizational branding, illustration, and web design. He has a Bachelor’s degree in communication with an emphasis on marketing.

IISG Instagram

Learn how the green pigment in plants can help scientists understand how much plant and animal life a waterbody can support.  This video is part of a series that provides an introduction into seven water quality measurements that can be used to determine baseline conditions and identify changes in water quality. Learn more: http://www.limnoloan.org

Learn how the green pigment in plants can help scientists understand how much plant and animal life a waterbody can support. This video is part of a series that provides an introduction into seven water quality measurements that can be used to determine baseline conditions and identify changes in water quality.

Learn more: http://www.limnoloan.org

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