Resources Publications and Products

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Fact Sheet | Brochure | Poster | Extension Report | Research SummaryPages:
The Lake Michigan Partnership Working Group, which comprises representatives from federal, state, and tribal agencies in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin, identified 14 research priorities for the 2020 Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative (CSMI) Field Year on Lake Michigan. The worldwide COVID‐19 pandemic delayed most sampling plans in 2020; however, CSMI‐related sampling plans have been generated for Lakes Michigan and Superior in 2021. This document describes planned activities for Lake Michigan, to be completed by scientists from the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab (NOAA‐GLERL), the US Geological Survey Great Lakes Science Center (USGS‐GLSC), the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Great Lakes National Program Office and Office of Research and Development (EPA‐ GLNPO and EPA‐ORD, respectively), and university partners.