The Medicine Chest: A Collection of Safe Disposal Curriculum Activities and Service-Learning Resources Thumbnail

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Educational Material

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This 4-H curriculum, designed for informal education audiences, provides five inquiry-based lessons to help high school youth understand the harmful effects of improper disposal of medicines and what they can do to help. Each lesson contains a complete instruction plan, centered on a hands-on activity for the students. Our goals for The Medicine Chest are to: Offer comprehensive curricula on the issues surrounding pharmaceuticals and personal care products disposal; Incorporate a variety of educational approaches for instructing high school-level students; Support community stewardship by offering creative project examples and guidance that will inform the public about appropriate disposal practices; and Explore a variety of careers that work with pharmaceuticals and personal care products. We dedicate The Medicine Chest to our youth who are working to make a significant difference in their communities as they develop important lifelong learning skills, including leadership and civic responsibility.

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Irene Miles, Joel Davenport, Terri Hallesy



Focus Areas

Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development, Healthy Coastal Ecosystems


Education, Healthy Waters, K-12 Education
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