Recycling Bottom Sediments from Great Lakes in Sustainable Construction Materials

Major Goals and Objectives

This research project proposes a computational model validated by experimental testing to improve various characteristics of sustainable cement and concrete by reusing waste materials from the Great Lakes as additives in sustainable building materials. The model will be paired with AI algorithms to efficiently determine the feasibility of recycling bottom sediment from the Great Lakes as a sustainable construction material and analyze the impact of the additive on concrete performance. The goal of the proposed research is to reduce environmental pollution and improve the current ecological system by recycling the bottom sediments in the Great Lakes region, thus improving the efficiency of concrete use in actual construction and the ecological sustainability of the Great Lakes region.

Accomplishments / Benefits

Story: Meet our Grad Student Scholars: Yizhou Lin

Research Information

Principal Investigator:
Yizhou Lin
Initiation Date:
Purdue University


Chengcheng Tao
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