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Year: 2002
If you fish in the Great Lakes region and eat your catch, this pamphlet will help you reduce your risk of consuming contaminated fish and introduce you to some of the facts of PCBs. Note: file includes English, Spanish, Polish, and Chinese translations.
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Year: 2010
Asian carp, specifically bighead and silver carp, are non-native fish invading lakes and rivers in the Mississippi River and Great Lakes regions, and negatively impacting native organisms. These fish filter tremendous amounts of small plants and animals (plankton) from the water, thereby reducing the amount of food available to native species. One way to help the Asian carp problem is to eat the fish. This factsheet includes several recipes for Asian carp.
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File Size: 1.57 MB
Year: 2010
Overview of impacts and accomplishments of AIS group.
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Year: 2012
This program provides the opportunity for educators to borrow actual monitoring equipment used by scientists in the field and for students to experience collecting and analyzing real water-quality data. It is a great way to bring to life the topic of water quality for your students, and bring the outdoors to your classroom or your classroom outdoors!
For more detailed information, visit Limno Loan
Year: 2014
This site provides easy access to long-term, environmental monitoring data collected throughout the Great Lakes.
For more detailed information, visit Great Lakes Monitoring
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File Size: 980.03 KB
Year: 2015
The Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative (CSMI) is a binational effort that coordinates monitoring and research efforts on each Great Lake over a five-year cycle to improve understanding of aquatic ecosystems. CSMI field sampling is guided by priorities identified in Lakewide Action and Management Plans (LaMPs) and the results inform the development of future management programs. This document highlights the work intended to be conducted during the 2015 CSMI field year on Lake Michigan.
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