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The Helm Summer 2012 Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 2.71 MB
Year: 2012

Feature Headlines

  • It’s Time to Celebrate Grand Calumet River and Roxanna Marsh Cleanup
  • Bringing AIS Information to Boat Ramps
  • Location is Key to Yellow Perch Diet and Success
  • Natural Lawncare
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Limno Loan Thumbnail

Year: 2012

This program provides the opportunity for educators to borrow actual monitoring equipment used by scientists in the field and for students to experience collecting and analyzing real water-quality data. It is a great way to bring to life the topic of water quality for your students, and bring the outdoors to your classroom or your classroom outdoors!

For more detailed information, visit Limno Loan

The Helm Winter 2012 Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 1,015.22 KB
Year: 2012

Feature Headlines

  • Indiana Bans 28 Invasive Aquatic Plants
  • 500 New Aquaculture Businesses Grow in Africa
  • Doing Real Science Inspires Great Lakes Students
  • Consumers Would Pay More for U.S. Seafood
  • Large Sprawling Yards can Lean to More Runoff
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Don’t Dump Bait Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 746.67 KB
Year: 2012

Information poster about the importance of not dumping bait to prevent aquatic invasive species spread.

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