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Building a smart water quality monitoring program to improve environmental justice in Southern Lake Michigan

Major Goals and Objectives

The long-term goal of this project is to develop smart water infrastructure to help improve water management in the southern Lake Michigan region, particularly for communities in historically disadvantaged locations. The short term goal is to develop a program to assess contamination, hydrology, and water quality in impoverished areas of South Chicago. The specific objectives of this project are to: 1) implement flow and water quality sensors to assess pollution in select locations, 2) develop a stormwater model to assess the effects of hydraulic infrastructure and land usage on hydrology and water quality, 3) build collaborations with other water quality professionals in the Southern Lake Michigan region, and 4) create proposals for submission to other funding agencies to continue development of this program. The results are expected to increase ecosystem health, improve the resiliency of communities and economies, and enhance environmental literacy and workforce development. 

Accomplishments / Benefits

Video: Smart water quality monitoring program: Improving environmental justice in Lake Michigan

Research Information

Principal Investigator:
David Lampert
Initiation Date:
Completion Date:
Illinois Institute of Technology
