Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant won two APEX 2011 Awards for Publication Excellence, both in the category Green Materials. Irene Miles, communication coordinator, and Susan White, graphic designer, won for the IISG impact statement series titled Impacts: Today and Tomorrow. These four publications describe the program’s success stories and ongoing projects related to aquatic invasive species, unused medicines, land use planning, and water resources. 

The second APEX award goes to Robin Goettel, associate director for education, for the 4-H curriculum Sensible Disposal of Unwanted Medicines. This booklet provides five inquiry-based lessons to help high school youth understand the harmful effects of improper disposal of medicines and what they can do to help. Robin shares this award with Natalie Carroll of Purdue University Extension, Whitney Siegfried, who is now at the University of South Dakota, and Deb Eisenmann, a freelance designer. 

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