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In the news: New Illinois law helps prevent spread of AIS

  As an amendment to the Boater Registration and Safety Act signed into law by Illinois Governor Pat Quinn, aquatic plants and animals would need to be removed from seaplanes…

Sea Grant intern gets the word out about invasive species this summer

…I’ve gained so much more experience with public outreach and education through this internship. Going to events throughout the summer has provided me with experience explaining complex environmental issues to…

Keeping drinking water safe still presents challenges

…as the region’s population grows, there is increasing concern that demand for clean water will outpace supply if communities don’t take steps to encourage conservation, including adjusting water prices to…

Students Learn about Coastal Issues in the Pacific Northwest from Sea Grant Specialists

…Carolina State University, and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences come together to learn about sustainable use of natural resources in some part of the world. In July 2012, the…

11 ways that IISG had a note-worthy year!

…nearshore food web, uncover connections between sediment removal projects and a community’s ability to weather environmental hazards, and identify why people adopt stormwater management practices. –The Great Lakes Social Science…

IISG Shares in Environmental Management Award

…$270 million to remove contaminated sediments from local waterways, EPA identified 31 Areas of Concern in the U.S. portion of the Great Lakes. Boehme and GLNPO worked closely with communities…

New report on the St. Louis River AOC and its stakeholders is now available

Among the many Areas of Concern (AOCs) designated by the International Joint Commission, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant has been involved in several providing research and reports on local stakeholders perceptions of…

In the news: Climate Models Are Becoming Increasingly Accurate

…with capacities far beyond the average home computer. However, climate models are become ever more reliable thanks not only to greater computing power, but also to more extensive observation efforts…

SeaPerch contest winners get their robots up and running

…even considering partnering up to start an after-school club that will compete in the national SeaPerch Challenge. With these six teachers now using SeaPerch, there is also a possibility that they…

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