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In the News: Champaign 4th graders collaborate with UI students to raise awareness about aquatic invasive species

From the Environmental Almanac: Today’s Environmental Almanac comes to you courtesy of students from Zanne Newman’s class at Stratton Elementary School in Champaign. This Spring, some of Newman’s fourth graders…

Nearshore buoy wraps up another successful season of Lake Michigan data collection

The Michigan City real-time monitoring buoy, jointly owned and operated by Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and the Purdue University Department of Civil Engineering, is out of the water for the 2013…

Sea Grant staffers take new interactive watershed planning tool for a spin

…and set up different technologies that help larger groups collaboratively use computer-based programs, including the weTable, which transforms a regular tabletop into an interactive computer screen.   Perhaps the most…

From cruise to classroom, Sea Grant and partners expand Great Lakes literacy

…opportunity to actually “do” science alongside aquatic researchers and learn strategies to integrate Great Lakes science into their curriculum. IISG community outreach specialist Kristin TePas, who as the Sea Grant…

In the news: Grand Calumet River dredging brings benefits

…were scary. “The only fish we caught, it was a carp, it had no fins. It was completely bloody,” recalled Simon, then in his first year with the U.S. Environmental…

Science teachers get new curricula, activities, and more at ISTA conference

…of Unwanted Meds. Teachers were very excited to receive these because they were so compact and comprehensive, with several asking if they could give a second one to their colleagues….

Rainbow smelt population: It’s complicated

…the forces driving them are more complicated than previously believed.   The 2014 study reveals that number of smelt that survive their first few months has actually been on the…

IISG and Earth Force introduce medicine disposal issue to Calumet region classrooms

…and to help the teachers and students come to a decision regarding which Earth Force community issue they plan to tackle. This process is integral to the Earth Force-Sea Grant…

In the news: Chicago Canal not the only potential path for Asian carp

…rains, so to reduce the threat of carp making the jump into Lake Erie, the federal government has erected a fence between them.” Read the complete article linked above for…

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