Beneficial Reuse of Lake Michigan’s Dredged Material in Sustainable Construction Material – Flowable Fill

Major Goals and Objectives

The goal of the proposed pilot research study is to investigate the feasibility of utilizing dredged material collected from a single source along southern Lake Michigan area (stockpiled next to Calumet Harbor in coordination with USACE) as a substitute of sand in a unique sustainable construction material called flowable fill. The research will use laboratory-based performance tests on a set of flowable fill mixes prepared by substituting sand with different percentages of flowable fill. Then, flowable fill mixes and cylindrical specimens will be tested for flow, setting time and compressive strength using standard molding/test methods. The potential products of the proposed study are a thorough literature review report, laboratory testing results/analysis in the form of manuscript for conference proceeding, and an external grant proposal.

Accomplishments / Benefits

Story: IISG faculty scholars experiment with sustainable concrete solutions 

Publication: Beneficial Use of Dredged Material in Flowable Fill

Publication: Performance of dredged sediments based controlled low-strength material

Research Information

Principal Investigator:
Pranshoo Solanki
Initiation Date:
Completion Date:
Illinois State University


Pranshoo Solanki
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