Improving Infrastructure Flood Resilience of the Southern Lake Michigan Region with Fluid-Structure Interaction Model

Major Goals and Objectives

This project proposes a computational framework to efficiently simulate the flood-infrastructure interaction mechanism, assess the impact and risk of flood on the infrastructure in the southern Lake Michigan region and provide recommendations on the selection of rational infrastructure types suitable for the flooding area. The goal of the proposed research is to mitigate potential losses, improve the current post disaster reconstruction strategy and therefore enhance the flood resilience of the infrastructure and coastal communities in the Great Lake region. Key outcomes include an extensive literature review on the flood hazard data and infrastructure damage data in the southern Lake Michigan region, and a computational framework that integrates the fluid-structure interaction model and flood risk assessment model.

Accomplishments / Benefits

Video: Improving Infrastructure Flood Resilience of the Southern Lake Michigan Region

Story: New research predicts potential flooding impacts on critical infrastructure

Publication: Risk Assessment for Infrastructure Vulnerable to Flood Hazards in the Great Lake Region

Publication: Enhancing Bridge Infrastructure Flood Resilience through Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling 

Publication: Computational Investigation of the Flood Impact on Bridge Infrastructure in the Great Lakes Region

Publication: Improving Flood Resilience of Bridge Infrastructure through Fluid, Structural, and Risk Modeling

Publication: Machine Learning-Based Risk Analysis for Infrastructure Vulnerable to Flood Hazards



Research Information

Principal Investigator:
Chengcheng Tao
Initiation Date:
Completion Date:
Purdue University


Chengcheng Tao
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