Valuing Recreational Benefits of Great Lakes Areas of Concern Cleanup

Major Goals and Objectives

  • To measure the economic benefits of tourism-based activities for the Grand Calumet River Waukegan Harbor Areas of Concern following cleanup and restoration.
  • To identify socioeconomic benefits of community revitalization through increased jobs due to robust growth in the tourism sector.
  • To test whether gentrification or preference-based sorting predominates restoration and remediation incentives in contrast to a more stable resident population.
  • To engage in outreach with local stakeholders and communicate findings on economic benefits of environmental projects.

Accomplishments / Benefits

Video: Valuing Recreational Benefits of Great Lakes Areas of Concern Cleanup

Publication: The economic benefits of remediation actions in the Waukegan harbor area of concern

Publication: Tourism Gains from Great Lakes Areas of Concern Cleanup

Research Information

Principal Investigator:
Lopamudra Chakraborti
Initiation Date:
Completion Date:
Loyola University Chicago


Lopamudra Chakraborti
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