Resources for Funded Projects
IISG provides funding to researchers in Illinois and Indiana who are working on issues of importance to the southern Lake Michigan region. If you would like to receive emails related to funding competitions, including when they are open, please subscribe to our mailing list.
- Each IISG-funded project must generate final technical and financial reports. Submit your final reports within 30 days of the end date of the project. The final financial reports should demonstrate how you met cost-share (match) requirements.
- Reporting guidance can be found here: Guidelines for Project Reporting (PDF)
- Multi-year projects must submit an annual report for each year of funding (including no-cost extension years). These are due on January 31 regardless of when the project started.
- As noted in the guidance, final reports must comply with the American Disabilities Act. Review these resources before completing your final report. Your institution may have further resources available.
- PDF Authoring Guide (from General Services Administration)
- ADA Compliance for PDFs (from Microsoft)
- Charts and Accessibility (from Penn State University)
Communicating Results
- IISG uses your reports to showcase your work to audiences including academia, nonprofit organizations, and the U.S. government.
- IISG communications staff will check in with you throughout the life of the project. As a funded investigator, you will be strongly encouraged to provide photos or videos of your research throughout the life of your project. IISG staff will help with this.
- You can also let us know if an event is happening, or request assistance with a news story related to your IISG-funded project.
- IISG is also on social media! Feel free to tag us in posts about this work.
Publishing Your Work
- IISG funds fantastic research. Tracking research outcomes helps us maintain the highest possible funding levels to then send out to researchers working in the areas we serve. Please help us by acknowledging IISG in your work.
- Sample text: “Funding for this project was provided by Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant, grant no. NA14OAR170095.” Please ensure you have the correct grant number by contacting Carolyn Foley prior to publication.
- Please save copies of all accepted, peer-reviewed manuscripts (i.e., the version available BEFORE proofing takes place) that were supported in whole or in part by Sea Grant funding. This will help ensure compliance with NOAA’s Public Access to Research Results requirement.
- Research impacts sometimes need 10 or more years to realize their full potential. You will hear from IISG staff after your project is completed. Please be responsive to their requests.
Managing Environmental Data
- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration requires that all environmental data from funded projects be verified and made accessible, free of charge or at no more than the cost of reproduction, within two years of completion of the project.
- Environmental Data are defined by NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 212-15: Management of Environmental Data and Information as recorded and derived observations and measurements of the physical, chemical, biological, geological, and geophysical properties and conditions of the oceans, atmosphere, space environment, sun, and solid earth, as well as correlative data such as socio-economic data, related documentation, and metadata. Digital audio or video recordings of environmental phenomena (such as animal sounds or undersea video) are included in this definition. Numerical model outputs are included in this definition, particularly if they are used to support the conclusion of a peer-reviewed publication. Data collected in a laboratory or other controlled environment, such as measurements of animals and chemical processes, are included in this definition.
- This Directive does not apply to “laboratory notebooks, preliminary analyses, drafts of scientific papers, plans for future research, peer review reports, communications with colleagues, physical objects, such as laboratory specimens”.
- All Sea Grant-funded researchers must ensure that they comply to this data accessibility requirement. IISG staff will follow up with you to learn where environmental data are being stored.
Contact Info
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