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Year: 2012
Retrospective overview of IISG programming milestones up to 2012.
Retrospective overview of IISG programming milestones up to 2012.
Information poster about the importance of not dumping bait to prevent aquatic invasive species spread.
Feature Headlines
This brochure provides tips on how to properly use, store and dispose of expired or unwanted medications. It was developed by IISG, on behalf of the National Sea Grant Office, in partnership with the American Veterinary Medical Association
The intent of this guidebook is to provide landowners with information that can help reduce harmful impacts on watersheds while emphasizing natural lawn care.
This program provides the opportunity for educators to borrow actual monitoring equipment used by scientists in the field and for students to experience collecting and analyzing real water-quality data. It is a great way to bring to life the topic of water quality for your students, and bring the outdoors to your classroom or your classroom outdoors!
For more detailed information, visit Limno Loan
Note: Some older Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant publications have not yet been restructured into ADA compliant formats. We are actively working on this. If you are having difficulty accessing a particular item in one of our databases, please contact with the name of the item and its URL for further assistance.