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Aquatic Ecosystems in a Shifting Indiana Climate Thumbnail

Year: 2018

Indiana’s ecosystems will experience changes in water quantity, water temperature, ice cover, water clarity, and oxygen content as the state’s temperature and rainfall patterns shift. The plants and animals living in these aquatic ecosystems will undergo changes that will vary based on the species and the specific places they inhabit.

Part of the Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment (IN CCIA).

Download the report from Purdue e-Pubs. DOI: 10.5703/1288284316782

Southern Lake Michigan Water Safety Thumbnail

Year: 2018

The Southern Lake Michigan Water Safety Task Force brings together a variety of organizations, federal, state and municipal governments and individuals interested in promoting the wise and safe use of Lake Michigan waters through the collaborative efforts of sharing knowledge and resources and providing public education.

For more detailed information, visit Southern Lake Michigan Water Safety

Invasive Crayfish Collaborative Thumbnail

Year: 2018

Invasive crayfish pose a substantial threat to aquatic habitats in the Great Lakes Region because of their ability to reduce habitat quality and dramatically alter aquatic food webs. Currently, efforts to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive crayfish consist largely of reducing the size of existing populations and encouraging people to refrain from releasing crayfish into new bodies of water. The ICC focuses on improving upon our collective management and outreach capabilities.

For more detailed information, visit Invasive Crayfish Collaborative

Land Use: Assessing Your Comprehensive Plan Thumbnail

Year: 2018

This publication discusses the process of comprehensive planning in Indiana. It also describes the content of comprehensive plans and factors to consider when updating or amending comprehensive plans.

Item is available through the Purdue Extension Ed Store. Purdue Extension Number ID-227-W.

Creating Impacts in Coastal Communities Fact Sheet Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 238.74 KB
Year: 2018

We use research, outreach, and education to bring the latest science to Great Lakes communities and their residents. Here is a quick summary of IISG impacts in the region for educating interested parties about what Sea Grant does.

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