Twenty educators from Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Michigan were actively engaged in many activities shared at the March 24th COSEE Great Lakes workshop, “Catch the Wave!” at the Field Museum in Chicago. At the morning workshop, Steve Stewart, Michigan Sea Grant, demonstrated the many ways teachers could incorporate real-time and historical data to teach about fish habitat, climate, and dead zones. Steve’s presentation was based on the Great Lake Lessons website.
The afternoon session, led by IISG’s Robin Goettel and Terri Hallesy, was filled with hands-on activities that teachers can use in their classrooms and nonformal education centers, along with a tour of the Nab the Aquatic Invader! website. The workshop began with a presentation by Notre Dame University biologist Matt Barnes (pictured here) who provided the latest information on common Great Lakes invasive species Including pathways of introduction. The educators wrapped up the day by developing preliminary action plans to implement community stewardship projects that help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.