Leslie Dorworth
Aquatic Ecology Specialist
Purdue University Northwest
Hammond, IN 46323-2094
Phone: 219-989-2726
Fax: 219-989-2130
Email: ldorwort@pnw.edu
Leslie Dorworth
Aquatic Ecology Specialist
Leslie Dorworth is IISG’s aquatic ecology specialist and has been with the program since 1996. From her office at Purdue University Calumet, Leslie serves the Chicago metropolitan area, focused on a variety of water quality issues. The BeachWatch project provided information regarding beach closures in northwest Indiana. The River Restoration: Practices and Concepts workshop series brings together experts in the field. Leslie has also developed informational pieces on fish consumption and the connection to human health and how land use impacts water quality.
Leslie has a B.S. in Biological Science from Lake Superior State University and an M.S. in Oceanography from Old Dominion University.