From the Great Lakes Echo:

The combined parking lots of four Great Lakes states take up nearly 500 square miles, according to recent estimates by Purdue University.

That’s enough pavement to cover 30 percent of Green Bay in Lake Michigan, 40 percent of Saginaw Bay in Lake Huron or twice the surface of Isle Royale in Lake Superior.

It also contributes to one of the biggest threats to Great Lakes water quality: Urban runoff. Read more.


IISG Instagram

Educators—2 days left to register! Join us this summer to learn more about the earth’s most precious resource... water! Together with @thengrrec, we are planning to host a @projectwet workshop on August 10. Workshop participants will receive the new Project WET Foundations of Water Education Guide. All the hands-on, interactive and interdisciplinary activities are aligned with Common Core and NGSS. The workshop is free for formal and non-formal K-12 of educators, but registration is required and space is limited. Register by July 27th.Learn More at the #linkinbio.

Educators—2 days left to register! Join us this summer to learn more about the earth’s most precious resource... water! Together with @thengrrec, we are planning to host a @projectwet workshop on August 10. Workshop participants will receive the new Project WET Foundations of Water Education Guide. All the hands-on, interactive and interdisciplinary activities are aligned with Common Core and NGSS.

The workshop is free for formal and non-formal K-12 of educators, but registration is required and space is limited.

Register by July 27th.

Learn More at the #linkinbio.

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