“The study is the first to look at plastic pollutants in the Great Lakes. It is part of a larger global endeavor to understand the origin and prevalence of plastic pollution in water and was conducted with the Los Angeles-based 5 Gyres Institute.“We had two samples in Lake Erie that we just kept going back and rechecking the data, because the count, the number of plastic particles in the sample, was three times greater than any sample collected anywhere in the entire world,” SUNY chemistry professor and project lead Sherri Mason said.”
Posted October 31st, 2012 in Healthy Waters
A recent study of several Great Lakes has revealed a high concentration of plastic pollution – higher levels than any other water body on the planet, according to the findings.
From The Great Lakes Echo:
Follow the link above for the complete article, which offers additional information about the types of plastic pollution and the plans for additional study.
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