Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and Purdue Extension have developed County Planning Dashboards to help community leaders and residents better understand their natural resources at the county level, where many land-use decisions are made. These models are based on the work of several collaborators as part of the Tipping Point Planner decision support system. Dashboard profiles are available for all counties within Great Lakes states.
Lydia Utley, Kara Salazar and Dan Walker will walk participants through the new dashboards and discuss how Tipping Point Planner can support planning efforts and decision-making in your local community.
When: December 19, 2019, Noon – 1pm ET
Where: This program will be streamed live and can be viewed from multiple host sites across Indiana, or you can watch it from your personal computer. Register to receive the link.
Who: All individuals involved in local government planning (planning department staff, county commissioners, city council members and plan commission and Board of Zoning Appeals members)
For questions or if you need an accommodation to participate in this program, prior to the event, please contact your host site or email Tamara Ogle at togle@purdue.edu.
Host Site Locations
Purdue Extension DeKalb County Office
Elysia Rodgers
215 E. 9th Street, Suite 300, Auburn, IN 46706
260-925-2562, eberry@purdue.edu
Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds
Jeff Pell
1900 E. Main St, Room B/C Danville, IN 46122
317-745-9260, jpell@purdue.edu
Purdue Extension Howard County Office
Mathias Ingle
105 Mulberry Street, Kokomo, IN 46901
765-456-2313, rmingle@purdue.edu
Purdue Extension Jasper County Office
Bryan Overstreet
2530 N McKinley Ave, Rensselaer, IN 47978
219-866-5741, boverstreet@purdue.edu
Purdue Extension Knox County Office
Valerie Clingerman
4259 N. Purdue Road, Vincennes, IN 47591
812-882-3509, clingerman@purdue.edu
Purdue Extension LaGrange County
Steve Engleking
114 W Michigan St, Ste 10, LaGrange, IN 46761
260-499-6334, sengleking@purdue.edu
Purdue Extension Lake County Office
Janet Reed
2291 N. Main Street, Crown Point, IN 46307
219-754-3240, reedjm@purdue.edu
Purdue Extension LaPorte County Office
Mary Foell
2857 W. State Road 2, Ste A, LaPorte, IN 46350
219-324-9407, mfoell@purdue.edu
Purdue Extension Monroe County Office
Amy Thompson
3400 S. Walnut Street, Bloomington, IN 47401
812-349-2575, afthompson@purdue.edu
Purdue Extension Morgan County Office
Michele Jones
180 S. Main St, Ste 229, Martinsville, IN 46151
765-342-1010, jonesm@purdue.edu
Purdue Extension Randolph County Office
Amy Alka
1885 S. US Highway 27, Winchester, IN 47394
765-584-2271, aalka@purdue.edu
Purdue Extension Scott County Office
Tom Springstun
1 E McClain Ave, Ste G30, Scottsburg, IN 47170
812-752-8450, tsprings@purdue.edu
Warrick County Courthouse
Amanda Mosiman
107 W. Locust St, Ste 308, Boonville, IN 47601
812-897-6100, bailey1@purdue.edu
Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant is a part of University of Illinois Extension and Purdue Extension.