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2014 best year yet for clean boating programs

With the end of Chicago’s boating season right around the corner, we thought this would be a good time look back at this year’s progress making boating and harbor activities…

Lake Zurich water resources planning report now available

…“Recommendations for Integrated Water Resources Planning in Lake Zurich.” The report combines study and information of a wide range of factors in order to provide appropriate recommendations for planning the…

In the news: States look to Federal funding to help fight invasive mussels

…up boat inspections and cleaning efforts in addition to calling for federal help.” Read the complete article at the link above for more information about the spread of these invasives…

In the news: Still no Asian carp in Great Lakes

…ability to out-compete native fish for food. In the Illinois River, they have already fundamentally changed the food web.  From the Spring 2013 Helm:  Asian carp do more than compete…

Lake Michigan sampling trip reaps plastic microbeads

…Michigan. With us on the boat was Stiv Wilson, communications director for the plastics research group 5 Gyres, Nick Williamson, an undergraduate research assistant at SUNY Fredonia, and Conor Smith,…

In the news: Native mussels are surviving the zebra mussel invasion

…work also sheds light on the complex ecological impacts of invasive species generally.  With some environmental observers predicting a doomsday scenario for native game fish if Asian carp are able to…

In the news: Increasing Asian Carp surveillance for the season

…“The Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee plans to spend $12 million this year on efforts to stop the voracious eaters from reaching Lake Michigan, where scientists fear they could out-compete…

Too little, too late: Not enough food in Great Lakes to support Asian carp?

…carp off in the Great Lakes altogether. Cooke and Hill speculates that bighead and silver carp may still have significant impact on fish communities in areas where there is sufficient…

IISG in the news: Grant funding will inform wetland conservation and protection

…growth.  Otoliths grow daily, similar to rings found in the trunk of a tree. With the use of a precise laser beam, IGLR researchers can sample the chemical composition of…

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