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New video celebrates environmental education efforts in Tippecanoe County

…Beugly and other scientists completed fun, educational activities with the students to finish their rafting day.  “We’re so fortunate over the years to have partnered with Sea Grant, and specifically…

Do your part to stop Asian carp–here’s how to clean your catch

One way to do your part to help stop the spread of Asian carp into new lakes and streams is to catch and eat them. Bighead and silver carp have…

Aquaculture industry continues to grow in the Midwest

IISG staff will have the opportunity to see aquaculture in action next week while touring the Bell Aquaculture facility in Albany, IN. IISG’s Kwamena Quagrainie has been studying and providing…

IISG Knauss fellow working on key NSF ocean issues

…the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and to the Committee on Science and Technology and the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives. Its…

In the news: Aquaponics could revolutionize urban eating

…urban areas.  From The Atlantic Cities:  “Aquaponics is a method of combined fish and vegetable farming that requires no soil. The farmer cultivates freshwater fish (aquaculture) and plants (hydroponics) in…

Coordinated efforts on PPCPs begin at first national workshop

…In months to come, workshop participants will continue to work together to develop programs that carry that message to local communities.   “This is a national problem that requires local…

In the News: New resources support environmental planning at the local level

Solutions work best when devised and implemented by the communities they will impact. This is the foundational principle for Purdue Extension and Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant’s Sustainable Communities Extension planning efforts, which include Conservation through…

Purdue pharmacy now accepts unwanted medicine

…the environmental impacts of improper disposal,” Kammin said.   For more information about how to start a medicine take-back program in your community, check out more resources available at….

Freedom Seekers curriculum connects students to the Underground Railroad, Great Lakes and science

…helping to share their story in the Great Lakes basin.” Curriculum documents: Google Doc | PDF | Template to edit and customize lessons Curriculum Committee Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper – Claudia Rosen Illinois-Indiana…

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