Asian carp, specifically bighead and silver carp, are non-native fish invading lakes and rivers in the Mississippi River and Great Lakes regions, and negatively impacting native organisms. These fish filter tremendous amounts of small plants and animals (plankton) from the water, thereby reducing the amount of food available to native species. One way to help the Asian carp problem is to eat the fish. This factsheet includes several recipes for Asian carp.
A Great Lakes Area of Concern, Ashtabula River in Ohio has undergone a cleanup through the Great Lakes Legacy Act. As a result, the city of Ashtabula has seen environmental, economic, and quality of life benefits.
This print-your-own coloring book provides a fun and active way for children and adults to learn about the many kinds of aquatic animals that are raised on farms for aquaculture. Each spread highlights one species, pairing a beautifully illustrated coloring page with accompanying text for both advanced and beginning readers with information about aquaculture, fisheries, recreational fishing and cooking tips.
Professionally printed coloring books are also available while supplies last. Requests can be submitted to
Watch and read along with IISG’s communications coordinator, Hope Charters, as she reads the beginning reader sections in the Aquaculture Family Coloring Book. Each spread of the coloring book is separated into two sections: an advance reader section on the left (for grown-ups and advanced readers) and a beginning reader section on the right. We hope that you will enjoy reading along.
En Español
Acuicultura Libro Para Colorear En Familia en español está aquí.