Topic: Great Lakes Cleanup

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Helping Hands: Restoring Great Lakes Habitat Thumbnail
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This curriculum can engage upper elementary and high school students in Great Lakes environmental stewardship. It is designed for schools located in Areas of Concern (AOC) but can apply to any Great Lakes community where large scale environmental cleanup projects are ongoing.

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Great Lakes Mud Thumbnail
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This website chronicles sediment cleanup by the U.S. Environmental Protect Agency and partners in targeted Great Lakes Areas of Concern.

For more detailed information, visit Great Lakes Mud

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Ecosystem Services Valuation in the Indiana Coastal Zone Thumbnail
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Ecosystem Services Valuation in the Indiana Coastal Zone introduces this concept to coastal zone managers, policymakers, and valuation practitioners. Ecosystem services valuation allows decision makers to better address resource management challenges and communicate how actions can negatively or positively affect the public.

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Duluth’s Revitalization Thumbnail
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A Great Lakes Area of Concern, the St. Louis River bordering Minnesota and Wisconsin has undergone a cleanup through the Great Lakes Legacy Act. As a result, the city of Duluth has seen environmental, economic, and quality of life benefits.



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Revitalización de Duluth en español está aquí.

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Buffalo’s Revitalization Thumbnail
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A Great Lakes Area of Concern, the Buffalo River in New York has undergone a cleanup through the Great Lakes Legacy Act. As a result, the city of Buffalo has seen environmental, economic, and quality of life benefits.



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Ashtabula’s Revitalization Thumbnail
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A Great Lakes Area of Concern, Ashtabula River in Ohio has undergone a cleanup through the Great Lakes Legacy Act. As a result, the city of Ashtabula has seen environmental, economic, and quality of life benefits.



  1. Great Lakes Commission. Assessing the Investment—The Economic Impact of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative: A Case Study of Ashtabula, Ohio. September 2018.
  2. Ibid.

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En Español

Revitalización de Ashtabula en español está aquí.

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A Scoping Exercise to Understand Community Perceptions of Contaminated Sediment Remediation in the Sheboygan River Area of Concern Thumbnail
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File Size: 1.84 MB

This report serves as a scoping exercise to document a qualitative analysis of community members’ views on sediment remediation in an Area of Concern (AOC). Currently, few studies of qualitative analyses on remediation projects in AOCs exist. A qualitative analysis highlights and provides an in-depth, detailed picture of how a cleanup is perceived by those who are most affected by it. This qualitative study was conducted in the Sheboygan River AOC in Wisconsin. Data were collected in interview sessions with eleven community members representing different stakeholder groups and analyzed using a coding scheme derived from interview transcriptions. The analysis revealed five key findings: 1) The Sheboygan River was viewed as an asset but has a negative stigma, 2) Depth was the primary concern of the interviewees regarding Sheboygan River, 3) Interviewees believed remediation will result in economic revitalization, 4) The interviewees were mixed in their regard to fish advisories and as to how the remediation will impact fish populations, and 5) Quality of life and aesthetic value were also viewed as potential improvements resulting from the remediation, but the connections were weakly or indirectly made. The findings provided recommendations for gaining support for a cleanup from local stakeholders. Furthermore, the findings encouraged better education to the public on the relationship between the cleanup and fish health. Lastly, suggestions were made for future study design and implementation.

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