The objective of this project is to characterize perch effluent water quality from two different by similarly designed recirculating aquaculture systems.
Market Research for Yellow Perch Aquaculture
The objective of this project is to establish the current marketing status and potential for yellow perch products with wholesale and retail businesses in the seafood marketing channels in the North Central Region of the United States.
Lipid Nutrition and Metabolism in Yellow Perch
The objectives of this project are to:
- Develop a growth curve for yellow perch fed purified and practical diets.
- Evaluate the effects of dietary lipids on growth, feed efficiency, and nutritional composition of fillets.
- Provide an indication of the essential fatty acid needs of yellow perch.
The Population Dynamics and Ecology of Zebra Mussels in Inland Lakes
The main objectives of this project are to:
- Describe the population dynamics of zebra mussels in nine inland lakes (seven in Michigan, one each in Indiana and Ohio).
- Measure reproductive output, larval abundance, recruitment and adult growth adult mussel density, size distribution and availability of suitable substrata within each study lake.
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