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A spatio-temporal study of methylmercury biogeochemistry in wetlands of the southern Lake Michigan watershed

Principal Investigator: Robert Hudson
Affiliation: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Initiation Date: 2006
  • Measure the levels of total mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg) in the surface waters of wetlands across the Grand Calumet region of northwestern Indiana
  • Measure the concentrations of total and MeHg in wetland sediments – the main repositories for legacy Hg contamination in these wetlands
  • Measure the concentrations of total and MeHg in porewaters of wetland sediments – the main route for MeHg transport from the sediments to the overlying waters – in the region
  • Assess the MeHg levels in fish from wetlands with permanent open water

A Survey of Sportfish for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) – An Emerging Contaminant in the Great Lakes

Principal Investigator: Gary Lamberti
Affiliation: University of Notre Dame
Initiation Date: 2020
  • Determine the concentrations and speciation of PFAS in important Lake Michigan sportfish
  • Evaluate dietary routes for PFAS exposure from prey to predator fish using δ15N and δ13C stable isotopes along with PFAS speciation
  • Assess the relationship between total fluorine and PFAS concentrations to determine the full extent of the PFAS problem
  • Compare observed PFAS concentrations in fish from Illinois-Indiana waters to other areas such as inland Michigan waterways where PFAS are known to be a problem

A three stage outreach transferability program of decision making tool to prevent, manage, and control Asian carp populations in Lake Michigan tributaries based on the evaluation of transport of eggs of local Asian carp populations

Principal Investigator: Marcelo Garcia
Affiliation: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Initiation Date: 2013
  • Develop an outreach plan for technology transfer targeting three stakeholder groups: technical and scientific community, decision makers, and K-12 students and general public
  • Train and instruct the technical and scientific community on how to use and
    interpret FluEgg as a decision making tool, but also to educate decision makers and the general public on the importance of preventing, controlling and managing Asian carp at early life stages

A web-based tool to measure environmental quality standards for phosphorus in water at Lake Erie

Principal Investigator: Acushla Antony
Affiliation: Purdue University
Initiation Date: 2010
  • Enhance the NAPRA online web-based decision support tool and update the soil database using SSURGO soils data suitable for field and county level evaluation
  • Assess the level of phosphorus reaching water with existing cropping management systems and assess the change in phosphorus level due to increases in biofeedstock production and intensive livestock production

Adaptive management framework approach to watershed implementation of nutrient reduction strategies

Principal Investigator: Bernard Engel
Affiliation: Purdue University
Initiation Date: 2015
  • Summarize model capabilities, model inputs, and simulation methods of different hydrologic and water quality models including
  • Explore uncalibrated, calibrated, and validated outputs of these models and uncalibrated ensemble modeling in estimating average annual water quantity and quality for a 41.5 km2 agricultural watershed in Northeastern Indiana
  • Provide suggestions on the selection and use of these models based
    on the results in this study

Advancing local marketing of Great Lakes recreation and fisheries products

Principal Investigator: Richard "Max" Melstrom
Affiliation: Loyola University Chicago
Initiation Date: 2019

The primary objectives are: 1) To develop a tool to measure the accessibility of safe surface water and coastal recreational resources to communities around southern Lake Michigan, and link this tool to models that support economic valuation of coastal recreation and tourism areas. The aim of this tool is to identify the benefits of investments in improving water quality and public access in legacy contaminated areas, particularly Areas of Concern. 2) To characterize the current marketing and retail chain for Great Lakes fish, and measure the potential for value-added products and marketing to consumers in the region. Possible products include publications and educational materials aimed at increasing the profitability of commercial fish production and consumer access to locally-sourced fish, both wild-caught and aquaculture.

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