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Lake Michigan by the Numbers Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 14.00 MB
Year: 2015

A curriculum for integrating real-time buoy data as a teaching tool about Lake Michigan conditions and current issues.

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Great Lakes Mud Thumbnail

Year: 2014

This website chronicles sediment cleanup by the U.S. Environmental Protect Agency and partners in targeted Great Lakes Areas of Concern.

For more detailed information, visit Great Lakes Mud

Limno Loan Thumbnail

Year: 2012

This program provides the opportunity for educators to borrow actual monitoring equipment used by scientists in the field and for students to experience collecting and analyzing real water-quality data. It is a great way to bring to life the topic of water quality for your students, and bring the outdoors to your classroom or your classroom outdoors!

For more detailed information, visit Limno Loan

The Medicine Chest: A Collection of Safe Disposal Curriculum Activities and Service-Learning Resources Thumbnail

Year: 2015

This 4-H curriculum, designed for informal education audiences, provides five inquiry-based lessons to help high school youth understand the harmful effects of improper disposal of medicines and what they can do to help. Each lesson contains a complete instruction plan, centered on a hands-on activity for the students. Our goals for The Medicine Chest are to: Offer comprehensive curricula on the issues surrounding pharmaceuticals and personal care products disposal; Incorporate a variety of educational approaches for instructing high school-level students; Support community stewardship by offering creative project examples and guidance that will inform the public about appropriate disposal practices; and Explore a variety of careers that work with pharmaceuticals and personal care products. We dedicate The Medicine Chest to our youth who are working to make a significant difference in their communities as they develop important lifelong learning skills, including leadership and civic responsibility.

To use these resources, visit:

Get Rid Of Stuff Sensibly Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 1.05 MB
Year: 2009

What are some good ideas for getting rid of things you don’t want or need? This informational flyer presents the problems associated with unsafe disposal of mediation, electronics, aquarium fish and plants, motor oil, dog poop, and household trash and offers solutions.

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