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CSMI Visual Assets Library Thumbnail
File Type: zip
File Size: 10.85 MB
Year: 2019

The CSMI Visual Asset Library is a catalog of 56 graphic elements that can be downloaded and used to create scientific visuals and illustrations. These graphics were originally created to illustrate the changing Lake Michigan food web as part of the outreach efforts for the 2015 Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative. Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant is making these available to the public as a resource of scientifically accurate, professionally-designed food web assets that may be used to enhance reports, presentations, and any other activities intended to communicate Lake Michigan food web characteristics.

There are 2 parts to this product entry: a .pdf overview which shows examples of all the design elements available in the set, and a .zip file of the actual visual assets.


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Community Planning for Agriculture and Natural Resources: A Guide for Local Government Thumbnail

Year: 2019

Purdue Extension and the Indiana Land Resources Council collaboratively developed this guidance document to support plan commission members and local government officials and staff with resources and examples to integrate agriculture and natural resources as part of community land use planning efforts for developing or updating comprehensive plans. Each document in the series provides an overview of the topic, economic development considerations, community examples, and resources to make connections for local land use planning efforts.

This item is available through Purdue Extension Community Development at

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