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Native Spring Ephemerals: A Guide to Illinois Native Spring Ephemerals for the Home Garden Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 1.41 MB
Year: 2021

This brochure is a guide to the characteristics and benefits of selected Illinois spring ephemerals to help home gardeners choose plants appropriate for site-specific conditions.

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A screen-reader friendly version is available at:

En Español

Plantas Nativas Efímeras de Primavera en español está aquí.
La publicación para un lector de pantalla está disponible aquí.

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Needs Assessment Muskegon Lake Zephyr Refinery Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 1.09 MB
Year: 2015

This report discusses stakeholder perceptions of the Zephyr Refinery in the Muskegon Lake Area of Concern (AOC) and attitudes toward a cleanup plan proposed under the Great Lakes Legacy Act.

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Pacific White Shrimp Farmed Fish Fact Sheet Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 3.87 MB
Year: 2021

This is the fifth in a series of consumer guides that describe fish and shellfish farmed in the Midwest region of the United States. (See Walleye Farmed Fish Fact Sheet, Yellow Perch Farmed Fish Fact Sheet, and Tilapia Farmed Fish Fact Sheet). The fact sheet also includes culinary characteristics, cooking tips, and a recipe for Sautéed Old Bay® Shrimp



  1. FAO. 2009. Penaeus vannamei. In Cultured aquatic species fact sheets. Text by Briggs, M. Edited and compiled by Valerio Crespi and Michael New. CD-ROM (multilingual).
  2. Bernal Rodríguez CE, García AC, Ponce-Palafox JT, Spanopoulos-Hernández M, Puga-López D, et al. (2017) The Color of Marine Shrimps and Its Role in the Aquaculture. Int J Aquac Fish Sci 3(3): 062-065. DOI: 10.17352/2455-8400.000030
  3. National Fisheries Institute (NFI). 2018. “Top 10 List Shows Significant Increase in Seafood
    Consumption.” Available online:
  4. FAO. 2018. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2018 – Meeting the sustainable development goals. Rome. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
  5. Ray, A.J. 2019. Indoor Marine Shrimp Farming. SRAC Pub No. 2602. Available online:
  6. E R De Oliveira e Silva, C E Seidman, J J Tian, L C Hudgins, F M Sacks, J L Breslow, Effects of shrimp consumption on plasma lipoproteins, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 64, Issue 5, November 1996, Pages 712–717,

‡Note: Old Bay Seasoning is a registered trademark of McCormick & Company.

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PFAS Scoping Report: Identifying Social and Economic Impacts of PFAS in the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain Regions Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 839.06 KB
Year: 2023

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a suite of manufactured chemicals with wide applications in consumer products ranging including clothing, cookware, cosmetics, and firefighting foams, are threatening the Great Lakes and Lake Champlaign region. These chemicals and their related precursor compounds have very strong bonds that make them waterproof, oil repellent, and high temperature and stain resistant. Their chemical structure also makes them very persistent in the environment, for which they are called “forever chemicals”. To explore the socioeconomic impacts of PFAS, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant (IISG) is leading a Great Lakes and Lake Champlain regional research effort that is expected to support research to further advance the knowledge of social or economic issues related to PFAS risk, exposure, and remediation in these regions. The project advisory committee recommended a regional scoping effort to guide this effort; the purpose which was identifying and subsequentially prioritizing the knowledge gaps and potential socioeconomic barriers to PFAS efforts in the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain regions. Details of these scoping sessions are discussed in this report.

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