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Year: 2005
Curriculum activity where students role-play different scenes that characterize the impact of European settlement on the Great Lakes. Created in 2005.
Curriculum activity where students role-play different scenes that characterize the impact of European settlement on the Great Lakes. Created in 2005.
Annual report of projects and accomplishments for 2004.
The Great Lakes Sea Grant Social Science Network (GLSGSSN) evaluated the impact based warning (IBW) product throughout the National Weather Service (NWS) Central Region in 2013. The evaluation study builds off previous work commissioned by the NWS (Galluppi et al. 2013). Galluppi’s study assessed the product in 2012, when five Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) piloted the IBW product. The study we conducted reveals the product’s effectiveness throughout the NWS Central Region, which includes 38 WFOs. Our evaluation data was collected using focus groups, interviews, and surveys of NWS weather forecasters, emergency managers, and broadcast media to assess the product’s effectiveness.
A word cloud poster of Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant’s 2017 impacts and accomplishments.
Retrospective overview of IISG programming milestones up to 2012.
This fact sheet is for boaters to educate them on handling oil and fuel spills.
Una Guía para los Aficianados a la Navegación en español está aquí.
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