Using Habitat Suitability Modeling to Determine the Vulnerability of Rare Illinois Plant Species to Climate Change
Cost-Effective Indicators of Great Lakes Wetland Health
Quantifying coastal wetland-nearshore linkages in Lake Michigan for sustaining sport fishes
PhragNet: A cooperative learning network for adaptive management of Phragmites-invaded coastal habitats
Developing functional indicators of coastal wetlands health
Quantifying estrogen compound and nutrient reduction in a coupled wetland and groundwater flow-through system
Ecological genetics of Phragmites australis invasion in southern Lake Michigan coastal habitats
Evaluating environmental DNA detection alongside standard fish sampling in Great Lakes coastal wetland monitoring
How do plant species invasions affect water quality services performed by Great Lakes coastal wetlands
Recent News
- Educators explore water quality along the Chicago River’s Wild Mile
- IISG is looking for help to develop a green infrastructure curriculum
- Taking part in the Calumet Stewardship Day, 70 youth explored nearby nature
- IISG is looking for a K-12 educator with digital development experience
- Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant announces funding for southern Lake Michigan region research
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