Aquatic Invaders in the Marketplace

Many of the plants and animals available in the marketplace can negatively impact ecosystems, economies, and public health when introduced to new freshwater habitats. These species can be spread—both accidentally and on purpose—in a variety of ways. Some of the most notorious invasive species were spread through the trade of aquatic species.

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The Aquatic Invaders in the Marketplace website provides information and tools needed to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species commonly found in trade. Water gardeners, aquarium hobbyists, retailers, anglers, teachers, wholesalers, and more can use these resources to learn about invasive species and identify alternative organisms that are safe to buy and sell. Information on how invasions happen and easy-to-follow tips for managing and disposing of species also help visitors protect local waterways.

For more information, visit

Contact Info

Topic Specialist

Katie O'Reilly
Aquatic Invasive Species Specialist

Research Projects

Carolyn Foley
Research Coordinator


Ethan Chitty
Administrative Assistant

Education & Training

Kristin TePas
Great Lakes Literacy and Workforce Development Specialist
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