The Great Lakes provide a great many things for millions of people, and there could be a new item added to that impressive list – Wind Power. 

Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan is preparing to place a floating research buoy in Lake Michigan to help gather the data needed to determine whether an offshore wind farm in the lake could be feasible and effective. 

From NPR:  

“Arn Boezaart heads the Michigan Alternative and Renewable Energy Center. Last year the center operated the buoy only 4 miles offshore. This year it’ll collect first of its kind data that’ll likely determine whether an offshore wind farm is viable in the middle of Lake Michigan. 

Boezaart says there was a lot more interest in offshore wind data when the project began two-and-a-half years ago.” 

Head over to the NPR Blog for the complete article.

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Learn how the green pigment in plants can help scientists understand how much plant and animal life a waterbody can support.  This video is part of a series that provides an introduction into seven water quality measurements that can be used to determine baseline conditions and identify changes in water quality. Learn more:

Learn how the green pigment in plants can help scientists understand how much plant and animal life a waterbody can support. This video is part of a series that provides an introduction into seven water quality measurements that can be used to determine baseline conditions and identify changes in water quality.

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