- Obtain the full-length perch growth hormone (GH) cDNA.
- Clone and express the yellow perch GH mRNA in a protein expression system.
- Assay the recombinant perch GH for growth promoting activity in juvenile perch.
- Produce antibodies to the recombinant perch GH.
Determination of the effects of culture temperature on growth, survival and biochemical composition of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)
To evaluate the effect of culture temperature on growth, survival, and body composition of largemouth bass.
Targeted inactivation of the fish aromatase gene
- Initiate embryonic stem (ES) cell cultures derived from zebra fish embryos and maintain the cultures for multiple passages in vitro
- Construct targeting vectors that can be used to disrupt the zebra fish aromatase genes
- Introduce the targeting vectors into the ES cells and develop methods to isolate homologous recombinants
- Use the ES cell cultures to generate zebra fish aromatase knockout
lines of fish
Increasing the availability of veterinarians for Indiana and Illinois aquaculturists
- Develop and deliver an introductory fish health class for veterinarians and veterinary students, fisheries professionals and students, and other stakeholders in Illinois and Indiana
Replacement of fish meal in hybrid striped bass diets with proteinaceous fermentation biomass
- Evaluate the potential use of ethanol yeast, a co-product of bio-ethanol production, as a fish meal replacement in the diets of sunshine bass (white bass Morone chrysops x striped bass M. saxatilis)
Energy efficient and sustainable aquaculture water treatment Using microbial fuel cells and membrane-supported biofilms
- Investigate the feasibility of a new treatment process, based on microbial fuel cells and membrane-supported biofilms reactors for removing nitrogen and sulfide in simulated recirculating aquaculture systems wastewater.
- Determine the nitrogen and sulfide removal efficiencies, and levels of electric power production
- Test different reactor configurations under variable loading conditions
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