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Tipping Points Planner Thumbnail

Year: 2006

This collaborative program gives watershed planning groups across the Great Lakes the information they need to protect natural resources and enhance local economies.

For more detailed information, visit Tipping Points Planner

Enhancing the Value of Public Spaces: Creating Healthy Communities Thumbnail

Year: 2019

In Indiana, community leaders make decisions about public spaces such as parks, trails, farmers markets, schools, and Main Streets every day that affect the health and wellness of the community. Using Purdue Extension’s Enhancing the Value of Public Spaces: Creating Healthy Communities program, facilitators coach communities through development of a high quality action plan for their public spaces. The plan can guide decisions and better position communities to take advantage of opportunities to promote healthy eating and active living. Our Indiana-based curriculum is designed for use by decision-makers and local leaders who have oversight and management of community public spaces, such as: Parks boards and planning commission members, Public officials and their staffs, Members of organizations whose missions relate to services, programs, or management of public spaces.

Purdue Extension Publication Number ID-513.

This resource is available through Purdue Extension Community Development at:

Community Planning for Agriculture and Natural Resources: A Guide for Local Government Thumbnail

Year: 2019

Purdue Extension and the Indiana Land Resources Council collaboratively developed this guidance document to support plan commission members and local government officials and staff with resources and examples to integrate agriculture and natural resources as part of community land use planning efforts for developing or updating comprehensive plans. Each document in the series provides an overview of the topic, economic development considerations, community examples, and resources to make connections for local land use planning efforts.

This item is available through Purdue Extension Community Development at

Tipping Point Planner Curriculum Thumbnail

Year: 2020

Through the decision support system, Tipping Point Planner (, communities in Great Lakes states can plan for a sustainable future by directly linking data to the local decision-making process. With help from trained facilitators, Tipping Point Planner enables professional as well as citizen participation in the land use planning and management process, including maintaining projects using a HUC 12 watershed scale. The program provides information, tools, and resources to help communities work with diverse stakeholders to:

  • Examine past and predicted land-use changes
  • Identify environmental threats
  • Define natural resource assets in need of protection or restoration
  • Explore land-use strategies and policies that enhance local values
  • Gain the framework to define a community’s priorities through interactive community visioning exercises

The curriculum contains education materials and resources to support community planning for land use and natural resource management. The following curriculum chapters are available for download:

  • Tipping Point Planner Introduction
  • Planning Tools for Land Use and Natural Resource Management
  • Tipping Point Planner Modules

To learn more about facilitated community action planning program offerings, please visit

To download this resource visit the Purdue Extension EdStore at

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