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Ecosystem Services Valuation in the Indiana Coastal Zone Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 4.24 MB
Year: 2020

Ecosystem Services Valuation in the Indiana Coastal Zone introduces this concept to coastal zone managers, policymakers, and valuation practitioners. Ecosystem services valuation allows decision makers to better address resource management challenges and communicate how actions can negatively or positively affect the public.

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Teach Me About the Great Lakes Thumbnail

Year: 2019

Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant’s Dr. Stuart Carlton has started a new monthly podcast called “Teach Me About the Great Lakes.” The purpose of the podcast is to help Carlton—a social scientist who grew up in the South near the Gulf of Mexico—learn about the biology, ecology and natural history of the Great Lakes.

A new episodes of Teach Me About the Great Lakes will be released on the first Monday of each month. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. If you have questions about the Great Lakes that you want to be answered in one of the episodes, reach out to @TeachGreatLakes on Twitter or email Stuart Carlton at

Lake Michigan Health: A Deeper Dive Thumbnail

Year: 2019

This story map relays key findings from the 2015 Lake Michigan field year of the Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative. This digital, multi-media outreach tool is intended to convey research results to broad audiences including anglers, boaters, conservation groups, and other Lake Michigan stakeholders.

For more detailed information, visit Lake Michigan Health: A Deeper Dive

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