
In the news: More evidence of Asian carp found above electric fish barrier

July 21st, 2011 by

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Even as the federal government insists its electric fish barrier is working just fine, evidence of Asian carp above that barrier continues to roll in.

With no fanfare, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers posted on its website this week news that nine water samples taken above the barrier in recent weeks have tested positive for the giant, jumping fish. The federal government is spending tens of millions of dollars to keep them out of the Great Lakes.

Seven of those positive “environmental” DNA tests – taken between May 10 and June 27 – came from Lake Calumet south of downtown Chicago, a body of water that has a direct connection to Lake Michigan. Read more.

Fresh and Salt curriculum is inspiring teachers

July 15th, 2011 by

At the recent National Marine Educators Meeting in Boston, Lisa Chizek, a 5th and 6th grade teacher from Iowa joined other teachers to learn about the new curriculum, Fresh and Salt, which connects Great Lakes and ocean sciences. IISG’s Terri Hallesy, education specialist, led this session. Here are some comments from Lisa:

“I am so excited to have these wonderful and effective resources to help connect my students with the Great Lakes and Ocean Literacy Principles. I believe we are so interconnected with the Great Lakes and the ocean that it is very necessary for everyone to become literate about how these wonderful bodies of water affect our planet in so many ways and how we affect them. It is very important to me, as a person who wants my students to be able to understand and think critically about our world, to help my students become literate with these principles.

“Learning about our planet’s great bodies of water is a responsibility of every member of society. Living in land-locked Iowa does not diminish this responsibility or make it irrelevant. We are all interconnected with these bodies of water. I plan to incorporate these wonderful lessons in both my 5th and 6th grade classes.”

In the News: Answer for Invasive Species: Put It on a Plate and Eat It

July 14th, 2011 by

From the New York Times:

With its dark red and black stripes, spotted fins and long venomous black spikes, the lionfish seems better suited for horror films than consumption. But lionfish fritters and filets may be on American tables soon.

An invasive species, the lionfish is devastating reef fish populations along the Florida coast and into the Caribbean. Now, an increasing number of environmentalists, consumer groups and scientists are seriously testing a novel solution to control it and other aquatic invasive species — one that would also takes pressure off depleted ocean fish stocks: they want Americans to step up to their plates and start eating invasive critters in large numbers. Read more.

Invasive species info coming to a marina near you

July 12th, 2011 by

URBANA – In the fight for holding the line on aquatic invasive species, it is crucial to make sure people are not accidentally transporting these organisms by not removing them from their boats. Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant (IISG) and the Northeast Illinois Invasive Plant Partnership (NIIPP) have officially launched their “Clean Boats, Clean Waters” program, which aims to inform boaters of preventative measures.

“To quote Benjamin Franklin, ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,’” said Cathy McGlynn, the NIIPP coordinator. “And that definitely is the case with invasive species.”
Clean Boats, Clean Waters representatives will be at Hammond Marina on July 16-17, the East Chicago Marina on July 23-24, and the Illiana Yacht Club/Wolf Lake on July 30-31. During these times, McGlynn said they will quickly talk with boaters about the program, as well as give them a brochure and sticker that give tips on keeping boats and equipment clean. She added that the first outreach trip was done on July 2-3 at North Point Marina in Winthrop Harbor.

“The majority of the boaters were responsive, and a good number of them already take precautions, which is great,” McGlynn said, adding that they talked to more than 100 people each day.

Since this is the program’s pilot year in both Illinois and Indiana, it will only be in one county in each state for the first two years. However, NIIPP and IISG are hoping to partner with more organizations to make the program self-sustaining, as well as extend the program across more counties in the two states. This effort has been already implemented in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

IISG wins two publication awards

June 29th, 2011 by

Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant won two APEX 2011 Awards for Publication Excellence, both in the category Green Materials. Irene Miles, communication coordinator, and Susan White, graphic designer, won for the IISG impact statement series titled Impacts: Today and Tomorrow. These four publications describe the program’s success stories and ongoing projects related to aquatic invasive species, unused medicines, land use planning, and water resources. 

The second APEX award goes to Robin Goettel, associate director for education, for the 4-H curriculum Sensible Disposal of Unwanted Medicines. This booklet provides five inquiry-based lessons to help high school youth understand the harmful effects of improper disposal of medicines and what they can do to help. Robin shares this award with Natalie Carroll of Purdue University Extension, Whitney Siegfried, who is now at the University of South Dakota, and Deb Eisenmann, a freelance designer. 

IISG in the news: Lake Michigan or groundwater? Water-strapped Chicago suburb eyes options

June 23rd, 2011 by

From Great Lakes Echo:

Before the wells dry up and the sewers overflow, a northwest Chicago suburb has teamed up with an all-star squad of planners to guide future water policy and use.

The small village of Lake Zurich gets drinking water from an aquifer that is pumped faster than it can recharge, according to studies. The water also has low levels of radium, which means treatment and extra costs for the village.

And the village’s sewer system is strained to capacity, stirring fears of a double digit sewage rate increase to fix the problem, said Rich Sustich, village trustee, who is spearheading the water planning effort.

“When you have this nexus of issues like we have – drinking water, storm water and wastewater, it forces out-of-the-box thinking,” Sustich said.

In January, Illinois approved Lake Zurich and nine other communities in the northeastern part of the state to tap Lake Michigan for water because of growing concern that the groundwater they use now will dry up. Studies indicate that population and economic growth will cause water use to increase even if conservation measures are taken.

Lake Zurich is not ruling out sticking a straw into Lake Michigan, but has decided to take a more calculated approach.

“Most people don’t realize that there are substantial costs to get drinking water from Lake Michigan,” Sustich said. “You don’t just tap right in.” Read more.

Lake Zurich dips into water supply planning

June 6th, 2011 by

From our latest issue of The HELM:

In Lake Zurich, a northwest Chicago suburb, leaders are looking at their current water situation as a glass that is half full. This Lake County village is in the process of deciding what will be its future water source because continuing to pump from its deep aquifer is not sustainable.

“Some people think of these issues as challenges; I think of them as opportunities,” said village Trustee Richard Sustich, who is spearheading the water initiative.

On March 7, the Lake Zurich Village Board signed a memorandum that approved hiring an integrated water resources management team to advise the community as it develops its future water plan. The team will assist the village with the engineering, cost, and analysis of the different water options.

The Metropolitan Planning Councilis leading the team, which also consists of Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, and the Center for Neighborhood Technology. Read more.

In the news: A Toxic River Improves, but Still Has Far to Go

June 6th, 2011 by

From the New York Times:

Thomas Simon remembers the day he found a carp in the Grand Calumet River in 1985, barely alive, bloody and with no fins. “It looked like someone had beaten it up,” said Mr. Simon, a biologist who studied the river for 26 years.

Yet state officials were thrilled, because it was the first fish found in years in the northwest Indiana river that is widely considered the nation’s most toxic waterway.

A quarter century later, fish are more plentiful and look healthy. But state and federal agencies say they are still unsafe to eat, their flesh laced with toxins from sediment poisoned by decades of dumping from nearby steel mills, chemical plants, meatpacking operations and other industries. Read more.

In the news: Dogs, new computer models help keep beaches open

June 1st, 2011 by

From the Chicago Tribune:

As beaches officially open this weekend, health officials are using cutting-edge computer systems, frequent water testing and even specially trained dogs to monitor water quality and keep Lake Michigan safe for swimming.

Communities across the country traditionally have relied on testing water samples to determine if there are dangerous levels of bacteria. The tests can take up to 24 hours to process, however, forcing officials to decide whether to ban swimming based on day-old data.

But new technology is beginning to slash that lag time, allowing health officials to analyze results more quickly and accurately. Read more.

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