Topic: Climate Ready Communities

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2014 Evaluation of the National Weather Service Impact-based Warning Tool Thumbnail
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The Great Lakes Sea Grant Social Science Network (GLSGSSN) evaluated the impact based warning (IBW) product throughout the National Weather Service (NWS) Central Region in 2013. The evaluation study builds off previous work commissioned by the NWS (Galluppi et al. 2013). Galluppi’s study assessed the product in 2012, when five Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) piloted the IBW product. The study we conducted reveals the product’s effectiveness throughout the NWS Central Region, which includes 38 WFOs. Our evaluation data was collected using focus groups, interviews, and surveys of NWS weather forecasters, emergency managers, and broadcast media to assess the product’s effectiveness.

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Aquatic Ecosystems in a Shifting Indiana Climate Thumbnail
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Indiana’s ecosystems will experience changes in water quantity, water temperature, ice cover, water clarity, and oxygen content as the state’s temperature and rainfall patterns shift. The plants and animals living in these aquatic ecosystems will undergo changes that will vary based on the species and the specific places they inhabit.

Part of the Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment (IN CCIA).

Download the report from Purdue e-Pubs. DOI: 10.5703/1288284316782

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Ashtabula’s Revitalization Thumbnail
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A Great Lakes Area of Concern, Ashtabula River in Ohio has undergone a cleanup through the Great Lakes Legacy Act. As a result, the city of Ashtabula has seen environmental, economic, and quality of life benefits.



  1. Great Lakes Commission. Assessing the Investment—The Economic Impact of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative: A Case Study of Ashtabula, Ohio. September 2018.
  2. Ibid.

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Buffalo’s Revitalization Thumbnail
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A Great Lakes Area of Concern, the Buffalo River in New York has undergone a cleanup through the Great Lakes Legacy Act. As a result, the city of Buffalo has seen environmental, economic, and quality of life benefits.



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Climate Change: Are you preparing for it? Thumbnail
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This publication provides an overview of how changing climate conditions will affect the Midwestern United States, with a specific focus on Indiana, along with sensible strategies for coping with these changes. It is intended to help regional policymakers understand past and future environmental changes to support local and regional planning efforts.

This document is available through the Purdue University Extension Education Store at

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Climate Change: Communication Strategies to Support Local Planning Thumbnail
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Despite strong evidence that climate change is happening, many people do not realize the urgency with which we need to act, nor do they fully understand the types of impacts facing their communities. This publication provides some basic, but proven, strategies to help local officials more effectively communicate with the public about climate change.

This file is available from the Purdue Extension EdStore at,

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