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An overview pamphlet on efforts to improve the Great Lakes through pollution prevention, monitoring, cleanups, and education.
An overview pamphlet on efforts to improve the Great Lakes through pollution prevention, monitoring, cleanups, and education.
Summaries of climate events on a quarterly basis throughout the Great Lakes basin as well as an outlook for the next season. The most current report, as well as previous report,s are available on the website for the Midwest Regional Climate Center, located at https://mrcc.illinois.edu/pubs/pubsGreatLakes.jsp.
The Lake Guardian is an EPA research vessel that sails the Great Lakes. This brochure provides stats on the ship, explains the variety of research that happens aboard, and highlights the equipment that scientists use to test these waters.
A printer-friendly version of this document is available at https://iiseagrant.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Lake-Guardian-US-Letter-Size-Print.pdf.
This session was one of the largest at the 60th annual IAGLR conference, with 18 oral presentations, 1 poster presentation, and 1 facilitated discussion period. The full list of abstracts (with author contact information) is included as Appendix 1. This session was well-attended throughout the day, with as many as 70 people attending the individual talks.
This is an annual summary of Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant success stories.
Flip through the magazine: https://issuu.com/iiseagrant/docs/thehelm-2021
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Feature Headlines
Feature Headlines