In this one-year research project, I propose a data-driven fragility curve to investigate the damage level of the levee system considering the structural conditions, flooding level and environmental conditions in the Southern Lake Michigan region and provide recommendations on the maintenance strategy suitable for the flooding area. The goal of the proposed research is to mitigate potential losses, improve the current levee system maintenance and therefore enhance the flood resilience of the levee system and coastal communities in the Great Lake region. The goal of the proposed research is to investigate the levee system safety in the Great Lake region.
Recycling Bottom Sediments from Great Lakes in Sustainable Construction Materials
This research project proposes a computational model validated by experimental testing to improve various characteristics of sustainable cement and concrete by reusing waste materials from the Great Lakes as additives in sustainable building materials. The model will be paired with AI algorithms to efficiently determine the feasibility of recycling bottom sediment from the Great Lakes as a sustainable construction material and analyze the impact of the additive on concrete performance. The goal of the proposed research is to reduce environmental pollution and improve the current ecological system by recycling the bottom sediments in the Great Lakes region, thus improving the efficiency of concrete use in actual construction and the ecological sustainability of the Great Lakes region.
Data-Driven Modeling for Hazard-Resilient Infrastructure in Southern Lake Michigan Communities
During the given one-year research period, I plan to develop a data-driven model integrating the physical model of infrastructure vulnerable to hazard and artificial intelligence machine learning algorithms to offer precautions and suggestions to resist natural hazards and enhance infrastructure flood resilience for the southern Lake Michigan communities. The proposed research targets to provide coastal communities with on-time and accessible suggestions to resist flooding attacks, support coastal industrial development without interference, give organizations reasonable, efficient recommendations to minimize the flooding impact on infrastructure, and offer the government customized design advice for infrastructure in the southern Lake Michigan region. Most importantly, this research will call public attention to the resilience of coastal communities and infrastructure.
Evaluating the Social and Ecological Aspects of Lawn Replacement
My doctoral work will evaluate opportunities to replace traditional lawns by more sustainable and ecologically friendly crops in the Greater Chicago Metropolitan area. Specifically, I will pursue three broad objectives: (1) Use aerial images to identify lawns in Chicago and Evanston and quantify the potential for lawn replacements in the city. (2) Use ethnographic work to assess homeowners’ incentives to replace their lawns with other crops. (3) Conduct an experiment to test the water filtration/retention capacity of different lawn replacements. Support from the IISG Graduate Scholars program would enable me to pursue the second objective. Many research projects related to urban ecology use census and survey data to understand the social aspects of restoration within urban communities. The ethnographic interviewing method involves participant observation which allows for a more determined selection of interviewees as well as a more in-depth line of questioning than the survey data might provide. I will also conduct participant observation for this project which will involve interacting directly with interviewees while they maintain, cultivate, and enjoy their own green spaces.
Using crayfish species as bioindicators of water quality
For this project, crayfish samples, water samples, and sediment samples will be collected in several creeks in the Little Calumet-Galien Watershed representing a variety of environmental exposures. The environmental interactions of crayfish as omnivores and biotic engineers place them in a unique environmental niche. We hypothesize that these characteristics make them a reliable sentinel species. By testing and comparing the bioaccumulation of metals in crayfish tissue, water, and sediments, to dominant species, average crayfish size, and population density, we can reliably predict creek health for metals.
Benthic Community Response to the Addition of a Nearshore Submerged Shoreline Stabilization Structure and the Subsequent Sediment Accumulation in Southern Lake Michigan
Quantifying the introductory impacts of an artificial reef on the nearshore community in Lake Michigan have not been made a priority in any experimental design. This project aims to mend this lack of understanding by combining biology and geology to create a new understanding of the effects of a newly constructed artificial reef (Rubble Ridges). This will be accomplished by observing the effects of sediment accumulation around a newly constructed artificial reef on benthic community diversity and growth. Sampling at the reef site will include sampling for invertebrates, encrusting organisms, and fish once a month during the sampling season. We will compare the trends from the Rubble Ridges site to the trends from the control site.
The objectives for this study are (1) to determine the difference in abundance and diversity of benthic organisms between the submerged shoreline stabilization structure site and the control site over a 2-year period, (2) to determine if the development of nearshore artificial reefs positively impact benthic communities in Southern Lake Michigan, and (3) to determine if benthic community diversity and abundance changes due to sediment accumulation and changes in sand grain size. We hypothesize that there will be an increase in abundance and diversity in benthic communities at the submerged shoreline stabilization structure site in comparison to the control site, that these artificial reefs will have a positive impact on the benthic communities in Southern Lake Michigan, and that sediment accumulation and larger sand grain size provide suitable habitat areas that will increase the diversity and abundance of the surrounding benthic community. Project managers and scientists can utilize this information in upcoming projects, whose intent is to prevent shoreline erosion, as a means to further understand this relationship.