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Improving Infrastructure Flood Resilience of the Southern Lake Michigan Region with Fluid-Structure Interaction Model

Principal Investigator: Chengcheng Tao
Affiliation: Purdue University
Initiation Date: 2022

This project proposes a computational framework to efficiently simulate the flood-infrastructure interaction mechanism, assess the impact and risk of flood on the infrastructure in the southern Lake Michigan region and provide recommendations on the selection of rational infrastructure types suitable for the flooding area. The goal of the proposed research is to mitigate potential losses, improve the current post disaster reconstruction strategy and therefore enhance the flood resilience of the infrastructure and coastal communities in the Great Lake region. Key outcomes include an extensive literature review on the flood hazard data and infrastructure damage data in the southern Lake Michigan region, and a computational framework that integrates the fluid-structure interaction model and flood risk assessment model.

Multiple Stressors in Aquatic Systems: Evaluating the Independent and Synergistic Effects of Microplastics and Chemical Contaminants on Fish at Critical Early Life Stages

Principal Investigator: Jessica Ward
Affiliation: Ball State University
Initiation Date: 2022

This project will evaluate the impacts of microplastics, in combination with a common environmental estrogen (17-alpha ethinyl estradiol) on critical early life stages of a model species, the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). Specifically, these data will seek to fill knowledge gaps in three areas; (i) the impacts of microplastics on fish at early life stages; (ii) the potential for transgenerational and multigenerational effects of exposure; and (iii) the effects of multiple environmental stressors on individuals. 

Community Evacuation Preparedness and Planning with Alternative Fuel Vehicles Responsive to Flooding in Southern Lake Michigan

Principal Investigator: Eleftheria Kontou
Affiliation: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Initiation Date: 2022

The objective of this research is to develop and implement a new modeling framework, integrating flooding intensity data of the Southern Lake Michigan transportation network with alternative fuel vehicle routing models, for the evacuation of vulnerable communities during hazardous flooding events in a changing climate. We propose a novel evacuation routes planning framework for multiple types of vehicle fuels that have dependencies on refueling and charging infrastructure (e.g., gasoline, battery electric, and fuel cell electric vehicles). The model determines the optimal evacuation routes for each alternative vehicle fuel type that minimizes the total travel and refueling time of travelers during simulated hazardous flooding events in the Southern Lake Michigan transportation network. The designed evacuation route resources will enable decision-makers to have access to data and tools so as to plan for a diverse set of travelers with alternative fuel vehicles to evacuate and adapt during these extreme flooding events, minimizing their degree of vulnerability and sustaining resilient communities.

Valuing Recreational Benefits of Great Lakes Areas of Concern Cleanup

Principal Investigator: Lopamudra Chakraborti
Affiliation: Loyola University Chicago
Initiation Date: 2022
  • To measure the economic benefits of tourism-based activities for the Grand Calumet River Waukegan Harbor Areas of Concern following cleanup and restoration.
  • To identify socioeconomic benefits of community revitalization through increased jobs due to robust growth in the tourism sector.
  • To test whether gentrification or preference-based sorting predominates restoration and remediation incentives in contrast to a more stable resident population.
  • To engage in outreach with local stakeholders and communicate findings on economic benefits of environmental projects.

Investigating Chicago and Northshore REscue Skills and Swim to Survive: Community Utilization and Experience (I CAN RES3CUE)

Principal Investigator: Michelle Macy
Affiliation: Lurie Children's Hospital
Initiation Date: 2022

Little progress has been made toward reducing fatal drowning incidents in the United States (U.S.) in the last 20 years. Recent data from the Great Lakes indicate the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in excess drownings during summer 2020. Chicago has 26 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline and 24 free, public beaches that are punctuated with piers and jetties. The resultant structural currents pose unique risks to patrons who often access the lake outside of the official summer season and in the summer season after lifeguards go off duty at 7 p.m. There is an urgent need for effective education programs to raise awareness about recreation safety in Lake Michigan, the deadliest of the Great Lakes, and to increase water competence in diverse communities that have historically been excluded from swimming. The community-engaged injury prevention and water safety experts in Chicago are uniquely situated to respond.

Objective 1: To assess the impact of Chicago Park District’s Community Water Safety Trainings on program participant knowledge and skills, community-level knowledge, and distressed swimmer events and drownings.

Objective 2: To implement, pilot, and evaluate the Swim to Survive Program enhanced with Great Lakes safety education in Evanston, IL and adapt the program for implementation in Chicago communities.

Mapping the Geology of Chicago’s Nearshore Region to Address Urban Beach Response to Climate and Lake-level Change

Principal Investigator: C. Robin Mattheus
Affiliation: Illinois State Geological Survey
Initiation Date: 2022

High lake levels have reduced beach sizes across Chicago, but we have little understanding of how much was passive inundation versus sediment remobilization. Ongoing collaborative efforts with the Chicago Park District and the Illinois Coastal Management Program are focused on observations of process-landform dynamics using camera arrays at select beaches and integrating UAS-based imagery, topographic information, wave data, and camera footage. However, while efforts are underway to understand the subaerial dynamics here (e.g., shoreline behaviors), little is known about littoral dynamics and sand transport across the highly fragmented urban nearshore environment, where prior studies have inferred a complex lakefloor geology that includes outcropping Silurian bedrock reefs, heavily scoured and dissected glacial clay tills, and thin, discontinuous sand veneers. We wish to capture the geologic configuration of the nearshore at the surface and map the shallow subsurface architecture as a means of quantifying sand volumes and relating them to the broader geologic template and the urban infrastructure with its influence on nearshore hydrodynamics.

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