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Conservation through Community Leadership Thumbnail

Year: 2020

The Conservation through Community Leadership(CCL) program serves as a roadmap for communities tackling complex land use and natural resource management challenges. The program provides information, tools, and resources to help communities work with diverse stakeholders to:

  • Identify issues of concern
  • Assess current community conditions and resources
  • Create a shared vision
  • Develop an action plan and implementation strategies

The curriculum contains education materials and resources to support community planning for land use and invasive species management. The following curriculum chapters are available for download:

  • Conservation through Community Leadership Introduction
  • Planning Tools for Land Use and Natural Resource Management
  • Natural Resource Management: Invasive Species Education and Management
  • Developing an Effective Community Organization
  • Implementing Best Practices for Meetings

To learn more about facilitated community action planning program offerings, please visit

To access this resource, visit Purdue University Extension’s Ed Store at

Climate Change: Communication Strategies to Support Local Planning Thumbnail

Year: 2020

Despite strong evidence that climate change is happening, many people do not realize the urgency with which we need to act, nor do they fully understand the types of impacts facing their communities. This publication provides some basic, but proven, strategies to help local officials more effectively communicate with the public about climate change.

This file is available from the Purdue Extension EdStore at,

Climate Change: Are you preparing for it? Thumbnail

Year: 2020

This publication provides an overview of how changing climate conditions will affect the Midwestern United States, with a specific focus on Indiana, along with sensible strategies for coping with these changes. It is intended to help regional policymakers understand past and future environmental changes to support local and regional planning efforts.

This document is available through the Purdue University Extension Education Store at

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